Le Col du Gibet
Passage au col
Passage au col - Gretel Piek

Le Col du Gibet

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A very refreshing trail mostly in woodland with beautiful views. Going through hamlets then along forest route, the walk takes you along ridges overlooking the village of Vaudevant.

5 points of interest

  • Small patrimony

    Stone Masks

    As you go past the church in Vaudevant glance at the apse to see its joyful little devil pulling his tongue out, seeming to make fun of you. Other enigmatic masks of this kind decorate walls of houses in the village and the whole of the area around Saint Félicien. Very often you find them on the outer walls of churches, on rich dwellings, on mission crosses or simply on walls of homes in the country villages. Of all ages and forms their presence remains rather mysterious and leads to various explanations…… even the most far-fetched ones. For fun, whimsical ideas of stone cutters, religious beliefs and superstitions dating back to our celt ancestors, symbols of protection… What do these human faces truly represent, peering at us with such distinctive expressions? Why not just let your imagination run riot. Information source : Le chemin des masques, région de Saint Félicien, association Histoire et Patrimoine
  • Vue d'ensemble du village
    Vue d'ensemble du village - Ardèche Hermitage Tourisme


    Mention of the village was already found during the Xlllth century. Its name would originate from « Val des Vents », « les Avents » (referring to wind) being a small hamlet situated at the top of the village. In 1090, the village became part of the town of St Félicien and joined the canons of St Barnard chapter (Romans sur Isère). However, following long negociations the village regained its autonomy in 1790.
  • The cross of Gibet

    This cross carries its name well as it was in this exact place that gallows were installed for justice measures. How charming ?
  • The Afars

    The Afars (kind of goblin) are shady, countryside characters. They live together as a family in natural hollows such as la grotte de la chèvre at la Roche Berne in Vaudevant. How do we recognize them ? The Afars are men and women smaller than humans, rather more the size of a child. They have pointed ears and their one eye in the middle of the forehead makes them look similar to a cyclops ! Most of the time they are without clothes but occasionally may wear leaves as covering. However, you will never see them during the day as they are nocturnal creatures. As soon as it’s dark, they come out to go scrumping. They pilfer vegetables in gardens along with linen and other objects. They milk the farmers’ cows to feed their children. On odd occasions one or two might get caught due to clumsiness caused by stolen boots and clogs much too big for them. They speak the Occitan dialect so convincingly that they never stay captured for very long as their captors always finish by feeling sorry for them and letting them go free ! Information source : Revue Lo Grinhon N°6 - 1990.
  • Panorama

    Viewing point

    View of the village of Vaudevant down below from here


1 - Vaudevant - 596 m Follow Char 1 km Pourchat 6.1 km
Go through the village and turn left uphill towards Combe and Char on a pleasant path overlooking the village.

2 - Char - 675 m Suivre Pourchat 5.1 km Lalouvesc 11.4 km
Follow the small tarmac lane for about 400m where you will see the manor of Clozel on your right. Go along the green netting protecting the raspberry bush gardens. Carry on to the cross of Gibet then turn right onto a long uphill slope taking you into the woods. After 1km bear left at the fork leading you to a small road. Turn right and head for the hamlet Oternaud. When you get there go through the hamlet and continue ahead as far as Pourchat.

3 - Pourchat - 850 m Suivre Vaudevant 8 km
Follow the forest track.

4 - La Côte du Bruchet – 890m Follow Vaudevant 6.9km
Carry on along the forest route where you can see different kinds of trees (birch, Douglas pine, wild cherry, oak….) Occasionally gaps in the trees give you a glimpse of far-off landscapes

5 - Le Grangeon - 770 m Follow Vaudevant 3.4 km
Go down to the small road then left passing Vert and carry on to the main road. Turn right then immediately left onto a small downhill incline. After the stone house Liverset turn right onto the small track following the river La Vivance. Go over the little bridge and onto the uphill slope taking you back to Vaudevant.
  • Departure : Vaudevant - Centre of the village
  • Arrival : Vaudevant - Centre of the village
  • Towns crossed : Vaudevant, Saint-Félicien, and Pailharès

Altimetric profile

Information desks

6, place du 8 mai 1945 - BP 70019, 26601 Tain l'Hermitage

http://www.ardeche-hermitage.cominfo@ah-tourisme.com04 75 06 06 12

Access and parking

Follow the D115 from Saint Félicien to Vaudevant.

Parking :

Centre of the village

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